Monday, May 11

Goat Roast

Well, this fantastic event actually happened two weeks ago, but I'm only getting the pictures up now. We had so much fun a this event, even though there were more than a few people grossed out. I honestly didn't think that we would be able to pull it off, but somehow it actually turned out quite nice. Certainly not something you get to do everyday.

These are bunch of the guys in the Men's group getting the fire going. We have a lot of fun together.

Here's our goat. Mmm Mmmm...

Here's Akil, playing with the head. Later we ate it. No joke.

Ryan didn't really like the goat, at least until we chopped it up and stewed it in gravy.

I did like like the goat.

=This is how we kept our stereo playing. A great example of Indian ingenuity...