Sunday, June 28

Leopard noises...

So, last thursday was cell group, so we went over to our pasor's house and just hung out, ate some dinner, and got our butts whooped in a game of Uno. At the end of the night, Caleb, Harry and I started home in the dark. After walking probably a hundred feet down the path, we all here this gutteral, low-pitched growl emerging from the bushes not ten feet to our right. I don't think any of us had any question as to what animal it came from: definitely a leopard. Caleb and I instantly turned our flashlights into the bushes, and Harry took off running down the path. Unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), we couldn't actually see the leopard in the dense underbrush. It took about a second for me and Caleb to realize that we were standing about ten feet away from a leopard, but once it sunk in we took off after Harry. Thankfully, the leopard didn't follow us (as far as we know). Looking back, running may not have been the best strategy, but what would you do in that situation? The internet didn't seem to have much info on what to do when a leopard attacks you, either. Anyway, we were quite wired for the rest of the night. What a cool (and somewhat frightening) experience!

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